Garlic - This is a natural antibiotic, so it works extremely well for tooth aches. Place a clove on the infected tooth, and you should notice almost immediate pain relief. You can also chew and swallow this once a day to give your body a boost during illness. In the case of an earache, you can pour a little garlic juice in your ear and then apply a moist heat like a warm wash cloth.
Salt water gargle - Salt helps draw out impurities. Also a great tool during tooth/mouth problems or sore throat. Use iodized salt in warm water. Do not swallow!
Vinegar - If you have a sun burn that is really bothering you, rub white vinegar on it. It will take the sting out of it. After the vinegar drys, the odor will fade away, so no worries there.
Honey - I often use a teaspoon of honey in warm (not hot)herbal tea to sooth a sore throat. Honey has antibiotic and antioxidant properties as well, so it's a great addition to your diet. An old singer's trick is to drink warm tea with honey and lemon before a performance.

Sounds like a plan! Ginger tea is great for soothing an upset stomach.