Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Surprises

I have been debating for the last few days over whether or not I would share two very special gifts from my husband with you guys. I'm very anti-bragging about "things" in my daily life, so I was pretty nervous about posting this....But since you are all so very nice, I figured I could show you without anyone thinking I was trying to be "bout it, bout it." Yeah, I went there.

Normally our Christmases are pretty small, because we've been struggling college students for the last three years. This year....(Thanks to the fabulousness of the Kay Jewelry account!), he surprised me:

Photo courtesy of

Probably the most important part of this gift to me was that he picked everything out himself, so I was naturally in tears!

Thank you, hubby! You are the bestest!


  1. I felt the same way about posting some of my Christmas gifts. Nobody likes someone who brags! Anyway, lovely earrings ;)

  2. Stunning stuff. Good job Hubby!
