Confession: I am the world's worst about actually taking care of my skin. No joke. I'm terrible about not putting on sunscreen, and I rarely exfoliate...And...Shh! I don't take my makeup off every night. I know! It's bad. But, I'm getting to the age where if I don't start taking care my skin somehow, I'm going to look like a Jim Henson creature from The Dark Crystal.
Enter Clinique 7 Day Scrub. I received a sample of this with a gift-with-purchase, and I tried for the first time last night.
Photo courtesy of
All in all, the texture is not as gritty as some I have tried that made me feel like I was going at my face with sandpaper. It had just enough texture to make me feel like I was doing something. Afterwards, it rinsed off fairly easily, and my skin felt very smooth. After applying my Dramatically Different, I really did feel the difference in the texture of my skin. I'll have to try it a few more times to tell you what I really think of it. Here is what Clinique has to say:
"Nudges away roughness, flakiness to refine skin. Helps lessen the appearance of fine lines. Clears the way for moisture. Suitable for all skin types."
It was also voted a "Reader's Choice" by Allure Magazine.
Has anyone else tried this product?

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